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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
Environmental noise control, a key to wellbeing

Environmental noise control, a key to wellbeing

JUNY 2023 | 3 minutes

Noise in different environments, such as corporate, educational, hotel or transit areas like airports, plays a major role in people's well-being. As in the work environment, excessive noise can have a negative impact on productivity, concentration and general health.

Noise at work is a major factor in low work productivity. An increase of 10 decibels is equivalent to a 5% decrease in productivity, according to the University of Chicago. 

What's more, recent studies show that every time concentration is lost due to a distraction, it takes 23 minutes to refocus on the task at hand.

Research has also shown that noise in the educational environment can affect students' academic performance. In addition, in airports and hotels, where there is constant activity and movement, noise can create stress and discomfort for both passengers and guests in common areas.

It is essential to take measures to ensure an adequate acoustic environment in these spaces. As in work environments, certification to standards such as the WELL Building Standard can be useful in assessing and improving the acoustic quality of facilities. This standard considers noise as one of the factors that determine the well-being of spaces.

According to WELL, a workspace should identify different acoustic areas: noisy areas (those housing noisy or mechanical equipment); quiet areas (quiet areas for privacy and concentration); mixed areas (classrooms, conference rooms); and circulation areas (lobbies, corridors or stairways).

Acoustic booths: Qyos

67% of companies incorporate private areas in open spaces. However, there are not always enough square metres to create islands of concentration. Acoustic booths aim to generate these islands of privacy in offices and open spaces, favouring concentration or isolation for tasks that require it, both individually and for small meetings.


The aim of these cabins is twofold: to keep outside noise out and inside sound in. And to do so with maximum comfort: good lighting and ventilation, ergonomic design, maximum connectivity with different devices and an aesthetic that fits into a modern office. In this way, the booth can be placed anywhere in the office and used as a design element. The closer they are to people, the more they are used.

Noise solutions

Sound absorbing panels are a fantastic solution that reduces noise by an average of 67%. These panels can cover everything from ceilings to walls and act as separators between workstations or between rooms.

Our partner ECOcero is working to create sound-absorbent and ecological panels.

Their panels not only provide wellbeing and reduce stress by eliminating noise, but also contribute to the care of the environment, as 75 plastic bottles are recycled for every square metre. Its extensive catalogue also allows total customisation of the panels for each space, generating infinite possibilities for architects and interior designers.

In general, both sound-absorbing panels and booths aim to reduce distractions and improve people's well-being, creating tailor-made spaces for the different tasks of the day. In a world of hybrid spaces, open space, maximum connectivity and continuous distractions, it is important to understand the difficulties of space and provide flexible, versatile and high quality solutions. Avoiding noise is not impossible, but it is necessary.