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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
 ACTIU: Innovating to be at the top of the class

ACTIU: Innovating to be at the top of the class

JULY 2022 | 4 minutes

Process innovation, the search for and retention of talent and technology have led to traditional teaching methods being questioned and, in turn, educational spaces being rethought. There is an increasing need for a connection between what students study in the classroom and what companies want from their future employees.

Traditional educational models have become obsolete with the irruption of new technologies, as well as new forms and channels of communication derived from them. The world of work is also beginning to demand innovative thinking and the ability to solve problems as a primary value above knowledge, and therefore the creativity needed to produce it: focusing efforts on learning skills, i.e., applying the knowledge learned.

Faced with the need to adapt to change, many schools and new regulations in many advanced countries have begun to promote and make use of new learning methods so that their students are better prepared for the challenges of the future. 

Download the document Rethinking Classrooms >

They are called active learning methods and are a set of techniques and strategies that place the student at the centre of learning, promoting an inclusive and more participatory model of education. Methods such as: Project Based Learning, Cooperative Learning, Gamification, Design Thinking, Thought-Based Learning and Skill-Based Learning.

The new working methods, the unstoppable advance of technology and the new profiles and characteristics of the new generations create an unprecedented scenario, whereby not only do we have to understand it, but we also must evolve with it in order to promote effective and quality teaching.

Learn more about new educational methodologies >

In order for the new learning spaces to fulfil their purpose, furniture, together with technology, is the key tool that facilitates the transformation of education. Download our Guide: Rethinking Classrooms.

The implementation of new methodologies, competencies and skills in the classroom has meant that traditional educational facilities need to be adapted to accommodate the effective development of this new era of learning.

Download the new Guide: Rethinking the Classroom >

It is important to design spaces that offer students and teachers learning solutions that help to connect, inspire and ultimately lead to deeper and more lasting knowledge.

More information on new educational spaces >

The classroom of the future is showcased as a configurable, dynamic, flexible, connected environment capable of adapting to each methodology or pedagogical objective. In addition, the classroom overflows, completely encompassing all the spaces of the educational centre and turning them into places of learning. 

When it comes to configuring these new spaces, furniture is the tool, together with technology, that facilitates the educational transformation.

In order for the new learning spaces to fulfil their purpose, furniture in schools, colleges, universities and training centres must be agile, efficient, flexible and connected. Among the most important trends are, on the one hand, the ergonomics and comfort of the furniture, which has become an indispensable variable to ensure that pupils and students can concentrate and develop their skills.

Another trend that is gaining ground, even in higher education, is versatile furniture that is easy to move and is adaptable, so that if individual or group work dynamics are suggested, it is easy to move and reconfigure the space.

  • Talent 500a versatile, folding, gas lift height-adjustable and mobile table. It can also comewith a writable surface.
  • Talent 300: designed for multifunctional spaces, with wheels and a folding surface.

      More info about Talent >

  • Noom 50 and Cart: wide range of upholstery, finishes and structures make it a chair with a high degree of customisation. With trolley for storage.
  • Whass and Cartmultifunctional, lightweight and easy to move. It can be easily stacked on a trolley with up to 30 units.

      See all the chairs of collectivities >

  • Spaciocompact backrest, smooth design with breathable grooves, robustness, whilst offering flexibility and ergonomics.

      Characteristics of the spacio chair >

  • Grandstand: with wheels and modularity, they make the collaborative workspace more dynamic as a bench, platform or shelf.
  • Caddy 500mobile and lightweight stand. Interactive whiteboards and displays can be integrated as well as complementary accessories.

      Discover Agile Collection >

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