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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
If everything seems upside down, it is time to turn things around

If everything seems upside down, it is time to turn things around

SEPTEMBER 2020 | 3 minutes

Companies have managed to get workers back into offices, making them feel safe and confident, adapting to the social distancing and hygiene measures to safeguard the well-being of the entire workforce; offering alternatives to presential working and investing time and resources in adapting facilities, systems and processes to continue to safely supply their products or services.

This has all been achieved in barely a few months and, although it may seem like the end of this extraordinary situation is not as close as first thought, and that temporary measures are going to remain in place for the foreseeable future, now is not the time to stop.

Whether because we will need to live with COVID-19 for some time to come or because it has become apparent just how fragile our normal lives are when faced with situations that cannot be controlled, it is time to take off temporary band-aids and come up with a firm and lasting strategy by equipping offices and home offices, making them as flexible and efficient as possible.

Because now is not the time to stand still nor let fear and uncertainty get in the way of companies' innovative and entrepreneurial nature, waiting for better days to come.

The rebuilding efforts are in our hands: in the hands of companies, whether big or small, and entrepreneurs who, day after day, pull up the shutters and supply products to their customers, order materials from their suppliers, contract external services and do what it takes for things to tick over smoothly.

It is time to turn things around

The solution is up to us, but that will only happen if society moves in the same direction and the time to do so is now. It is time for a revival to open up opportunities, to make the improvements that have long been pondered.It is time to open up the market, to seek new solutions and to invest time and effort in finding ways to keep on growing.

It's time to support that entire network of collaborators that is part of any business project, to give them the confidence they need so that they, in turn, can pass it onto their customers. It is time to help each other by taking firm, but safe, steps in the same direction. The virus has turned reality, normality, on its head, but it is up to all of us to turn the situation around.

We must continue to move forward, looking ahead at all times and taking the necessary precautions, but without allowing uncertainty or fear to slow projects down.

In this regard, Actiu is going to great lengths to continue offering added value products for this new situation, that adapt to any situation and offer security. Furthermore, in a context as volatile as the current one, we continue to help design workspaces according to needs and realities, with well-being always at the heart of them, based on our fifty years' experience and having recently been awarded the Well V2 Platinum certification. All this know-how has also been expressed in different post-COVID guides for work, education and hospitality spaces.

We are also continuing with our pre-pandemic planning, to further strengthen our international presence by launching more showrooms around the world; such as the recently opened Showroom in Paris along the Seine, and to expand our production capacity along with the digital transformation of the company through the implementation of SAP´s ERP. In this regard, before the end of the year, the Actiu 7 manufacturing plant will also be operational, equipped with the latest technologies in procurement, manufacturing, management and logistics.

We are therefore willing to do our best to keep the wheel turning, to change things and to turn the situation around. Desperate times call for desperate measures. To constantly innovate, which is part of our commitment.