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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
Juny 2023 | 1 minute


The CIPFP Mislata is one of the Valencian institutes that form part of the network of centres of excellence in Vocational Training. Its commitment to offering the highest quality in its teaching activities is aimed at providing students with resources that will enable them to access the labour market under the best conditions and to perform adequately in it. An innovative centre, equipped with the latest technologies applied to teaching, including information and communication technologies, with large workshops in its different training cycles with everything necessary for up-to-date and modern practices.

All aimed at a current education system that needs to undergo an imminent transformation, implementing new methodologies that improve learning processes and effectively prepare students to be competent in the labour market. A change that is being carried out based on three pillars: active methodologies, digitalisation and training, and which requires new multifunctional spaces adapted to the new education.


The school's management team and the teaching staff of the Higher Training Cycle in Travel Agencies and Event Management at CIPFP Mislata held several meetings with Actiu with the aim of collaborating in the development of a new academic space for the students of this cycle, in which ergonomics, flexibility and sustainability should coexist. Designed as a travel agency, it would serve to develop the technical, personal and social skills necessary to facilitate the employability of the students. An experimental and pioneering initiative in Valencia, it would serve as a laboratory for putting into practice new educational methodologies in vocational training.


In order to develop the PBL methodology, Project Based Learning, in the Travel Agencies and Event Management Cycle, a flexible space was needed to simulate a travel agency in which the students would be the protagonists of both their learning and the management of the space. 

A classroom where, in addition, other complementary activities could be carried out, such as advising both students and teachers, and where training could be given with external professionals.

This required furniture that would allow the classroom to be transformed according to the task at hand: ergonomic, adaptable, stackable and sustainable furniture, with shelves or cupboards for storing material and with a sound-absorbing ceiling and panels to minimise noise in the classroom. In addition, it was important to have mobile supports for digital whiteboards and TV screens and to have an outdoor space for team meetings, preparation and outdoor activities.


Ergo-Lab “Límite Zero Tours by Actiu

Límite Zero Tours, is a training travel agency that has its germ in 2019 from the concern and commitment to constant improvement of teachers of the higher training cycle of Travel Agencies and Event Management of the CIPFP Mislata, and the predisposition of a group of enthusiastic students for new experiences. As a result of the collaboration with Actiu and the company EcoCero, in the 2022-2023 academic year a laboratory of travel experiences and meaningful learning is born, through which students are trained through practical and active participation. A space that simulates the real working environment of a travel agency, made up of a series of elements designed specifically to adapt to the different situations that may arise during the teaching process.


ErgoLab Límite Zero Tours by Actiu, as the classroom has been called, is made up of ergonomic modular furniture, with the well-being of the students in mind. It is also flexible, so that it can be easily transformed. 

The tables can be raised and turned into panels that can be written on. The chairs and stools are stackable and the sofas are adaptable. There is a large screen that acts as a blackboard on the back.


CIPFP Mislata has made a 180-degree turnaround with this new space that has gone from a conventional classroom to an experimental laboratory and has facilitated an extraordinary change in the way students now develop their technical, personal and social skills. 


  1. More flexibility - The mobility of the furniture allows the classroom to be adapted and moved freely according to the activity to be carried out.
  2. More sustainability - Acoustic noise has been minimised, thanks to the sound-absorbing recycled ceiling materials and room divider panels.
  3. More motivation - Students come to the classroom more motivated, eager to learn. They share their space with other students, and have even created a playlist to energise their learning environment.
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