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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.

SPLIT is a screen system that allows to fit flat monitors and 3rd level accessories on the screen.

When dividing is multiplying...
Ephemeral micro-architectures

The SPLIT range of screens offers lightweight mobile supports that allow the workspace to be divided up into new areas, multiplying its possibilities, creating ephemeral micro-architectures that are ideal for organising according to new work methodologies.

With Split, you can make the most of any space. Even in large, open plan, offices, its lightweight structural version spanning up to 2 metres allows private micro-spaces to be created.

Agile environments

Today's changing environments demand versatility. New ways of working, such as AGILE methodologies, require quick responses such as Split, which allows spaces to be modified and adapted in a simple way.

How do you need to work today?

SPLIT is a tool that allows human teams to redesign their space to adapt it to their day-to-day needs, which is ideal for getting the most out of both the tasks that require more concentration, and those of a more collaborative nature.


The sound of well-being

Noise in different environments, such as corporate, educational, hotel or transit areas like airports, plays a fundamental role in people's wellbeing. Download our new magazine and discover some solutions to combat this problem that can have a negative impact on productivity, concentration and general health.